Io line out mod?

I have an Aesthetix Io with volume control. This is really a phono stage but in my system it works fine as preamp. However, it lacks line out (only xlr + rca variable outputs) which I need for recording purposes. I think this is sometimes easy to fix by some soldering. Does anyone know if it is possible in this case?
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
I would contact Aesthetix about this.

It might be fairly easy to tap off a pair of connections in the circuit just before the volume control. Hopefully the device connected here has a high enough input impedance to not affect the Io's circuit. You would need to punch out a couple of holes for the new line-level jacks on the back panel. The Io's back panel is already fairly busy as you know so this might be tricky as well.
I owned an Io with that feature. Jim White did it when Aesthetix upgraded my Io to Signature level. It shows that it can be done. Contact Aesthetix directly and find out what they charge.
Thanks a lot, especially Jafox, and also Gerrym5. Living far away., with huge shipment cost, I think about doing this myself. If it doesn't work I can remove it. Tell you more when i've tried it. Greetings, Oystein.
I need to reach J White and Aesthetix directly to deal with this in the best way. Can anyone help me?
Thanks, Oystein
Talk with Glenn at (805) 529-9901 (this number worked for me a few months ago). His email address is
I've now discussed various options with Glenn and Jim Aesthetix - a big plus for customer service, even for second-hand owners - thanks. And with others.

What it boils down to is this. I write it here since it may be of interest to other purist analog system owners also.

Even if a line out can be made from the Io, it needs to be buffered, and another buffer will degrade the sound, Glenn writes, having spoken with Jim.

I note, "another" buffer. The potmeters on the Io is among the important changes in the Signature edition (that I don't have). The most purist sound might perhaps be had by avoiding the potmeter altogether, using a cable with a fixed level/resistance. I have seen Krell fpb600 amp owners write about successful experiments, dropping the comfort of being able to change volume. One owner wrote of having two sets of cables modified to two levels, comfortable easy listening + audiophile. The moral is "direct from source", "straight wire" - though one has to find a balance point with convenience.

Possibly the least sound degradation would be with a Y cable from preamp out to (1) the recorder (pc, dat) and (2) the amp, using a passive volume control on (2) to get high enough signal to the recorder without getting too much volume on the system.

Even this runs into trouble, however, since plugging into the balanced run from the preamp to the amp (a Y cable to some non-balanced recorder) would probably impact negatively on the sound (the balanced operation makes a big difference with the Krell, and I guess, most good amps).

I accept this - I bought into a purist concept. So what I will go for is the "room listening" strategy, not the "line out" strategy. I accept turning off my system before making recordings. But I invest in not-so-expensive computer speakers that can be driven from the recorder's line or headphone out.

Now, I should be able to record from my lovely vinyl recordings to data media without the hassle of having to stand by looking at the spinning LP (to pause recorder before the end or the bad track, etc) or sit nearby using earphones. It won't be great listening, but it will make it easier to record while doing other things.

If others are interested, I'' report back how this functions.

Do you have suggestions for a good data recorder? My Sony Dat records 20 bit, and it makes a BIG difference, better than CD (20 x 48). The best SACD recording beat it, as expected, although they are not as good as the vinyl resolution.

A laptop card would be convenient in my case, but perhaps a standalone box with a hard disk is better. The main point it should give my great analog output (30 bits x 400 something?) the best possible data treatment. The biggest data file, in practical terms.

Greetings, Øystein
Audiophile digital recording update
I am now quite happy using the following system for recording (analog to digital). I use a (thinkpad) laptop as controller and archiver, together with a Creative Audiogy Nx separate box, whith a 96/24-capable DAC. In order to get adequate listening, I plug a set of Sony SRS-Z500 - very good sound for a minature speaker - into the laptop. Next, I turn my amp into wait mode, and plug my preamp out to the Creative box (note, a cheap Monster cable from RCA to minijack made a noticeable difference from the stock cable, at this point). Now I can record from analog to digital 24/96.
The results have been very good, although PCM 24/192 might be even better, and DSD the best. Comments on the web seem to favour the word length (most important factor, which is in line with my own DAT superbit mapping recording of ca 150 tapes), yet the frequency also, and the simplicity (in favour of DSD).
I have bought a small Cowon D2 player in order to test the results. With a Sure E2 headphone it works great for e g running, after i changed to the yellow foam pads for the headphone (the gray rubber pads, perhaps the most accurate in stand-still conditions, can't be used, too much body noise).
Like all (ca) mp3 players the Cowon can't play hi-rez, yet it does play cd-resolution very well (by way of flac files - like bigger boxes, it is well tuned to cd resolution). My hi-rez files downsampled from LPs using top equipment like a new Titan i pickup to cd-rez sound good. However, it is quite a lot of work, and perhaps, I'll wait before I do too much archiving, for a more evolved general hi-rez deployment.
One question is, are hi-rez DACs very heavy, expensive, or what? Why are they not in-built in more small portable players?