Inwall Speaker to match Revel Performa M20 & C30

Building a 7.1 HTS.
Fronts are REVEL PERFORMA M20 & C30.
Due to room decor limitations must use inwall speakers for the side and rear surround speakers.
Room is 22' x 22'.
To date REVEL does not offer inwall speakers in their line.
Looking for inwall speakers which will best approximate the sound charateristics of above REVEL speakers (timber etc' etc').

Looking for a knowledgable input regarding possible speaker brand/model that I can consider for this project.

Thank you for your helpfull input and advise.

Showing 1 response by looie

I'm not familiar with the sound of the Revels, but I know of very uncolored small speakers that sound neutral, sparkling and exciting, with timbre similar to the great old JBL Hartsfield and Paragon speakers, which would cost about 8-10 thousand dollars a pair today. They are small Helix brand coax car speakers, for less than $150 a pair, available from The Autophile web site. I put a pair in very small wall-mounted boxes (so they would work in the walls as well), and was astonished by how closely they matched the coloration of my great big left and right front-channel speakers.