Inventory of vinyl - what software do you use?

I am finally going to inventory my records this winter, or so I hope. I am wondering what software applications other Audiogoners use for this task. A specialized vinyl inventory program? MS Access or other database program? Also, what categories do you find most useful to keep a record of, besides Artist and Album name, condition of vinyl, record label, etc.?

I am not looking forward to this task but it is necessary, I think. I have been putting it on the back burner for way too long, out of pure laziness. I would like user-friendly software, with the ability to sort by field.

Please tell me what you use!


Showing 2 responses by cello

Hi David,
"Bookmark" does signify a thread that holds interest for me and it is a convenient way to have that thread pop up on my "forum threads" automatically when I sign on.
I usually use it when I am not posting in that thread but want it to come up for me anytime some one adds the thread. It saves scanning all of the discussion forums each day for what I am trying to follow.
Hope all is well on your side.