Intuitive Summits & R.S. Audio Sasons?

Anyone heard either or both of these ?

From what I've seen and read, both seem very well designed and are contstructed with extremely heavy granite cabinets.

VAC 220 Standard Signature monos will provide the necessary juice, so the control factor wouldn't seem to be a major issue for either one.

I'd like to keep the topic on the Sasons and Summits only, please.


Showing 9 responses by rx8man

Hi Robert,

Taller speakers get slightly shorter stands and shorter gets taller stands ?

My upstair floor joists should be up to snuff, otherwise I'll be downstairs on the couch !
Thanks Mdhoover,

I thought this thread would fall off the radar, since these two exceptional speakers are not advertised much.

I'm going to arrange an audition of the Sasons and drive out to Robert's place.

The Summits are not ruled out, I'd like to hear both in my rig.
Thanks Ted,

I feel both these speakers have so much more to offer in musicality than all others I listened to (maybe the Avalons and Veritys come close)

Rig consists of CEC TL-2X, Museatex Bitstream into Audio Horizons TP 2.0 to VAC 220 Standard Sig monoblocks.

A "pair" of Def Tech Super Cube 2's (8" drivers) are in my current setup with Kinima HG-1 monitors.

At the moment, I'm in a smallish room 13x14x8 (nearfield at low volumes) till my living room is finished.

I spoke to Doc Hoover and Dale Pitcher at length about the Summits of course, but would love to hear BOTH speakers somewhere (closer) ?

Glad this thread is picking up steam.

Interesting analysis Ehider, I like that post, and thanks Rhythmace for your input too.

I believe what's being said by what owners have been through before this stop, even before my audition !

A very intelligent group here did their speaker search quite well.

It's a nice alternative to the the same ole speakers that get beat to death on a daily basis.
Hi John,

My ears are set on a pair of SP Techs or the Delta Summits.

I got a full afternoon audition of the Revelations and was extremely impressed.

They sounded so musically alive, clear and powerful.

Nothing in my 20 year+ experience ever came close to that sense of scale and presence except my buddies G.M. Continuum 3's or the big Avalons.
Thanks Rubinken, I almost pulled the trigger on a pair of Avalon monitors and the Eclipses before discovering these two hidden gems, glad I waited.

My speaker search has been well-reinforced with unanimous remarks from the various owners (some of which I did not know existed till now) that I would feel very confident of excellent sonics.
Hi Sirspeedy,

When I spoke to Robert (really nice, accomodating gentleman) he mentioned updating the website was in the plans, no exact date.

I made the same statement you said about the Sasons looking like smaller Avalon Ascents which happens to be not only my favorite speaker, but Roberts too (before he manufactured his own line)

I thought you were going to give a white-paper answer to Sirspeedy like Rja !!

We're disappointed with that brief answer !!
It's nice to see my thread back up again, whatever the real reason was for it being removed
I'll never know.