Intuitive Summits & R.S. Audio Sasons?

Anyone heard either or both of these ?

From what I've seen and read, both seem very well designed and are contstructed with extremely heavy granite cabinets.

VAC 220 Standard Signature monos will provide the necessary juice, so the control factor wouldn't seem to be a major issue for either one.

I'd like to keep the topic on the Sasons and Summits only, please.


Showing 2 responses by musicfile

I just picked up a pair of Ridge Street Sasons after months of researching these

More to come when I get a better feel for what these can do
FWIW These speakers are on my short list of monitors to audition

I know that Robert and co at RSAD have graciously offered to put me up for a night and hear these for myself

Robert I haven't forgotten the offer let me clear my schedule and I will take you on this
