Intregrated Amp for Thiel 2.4 s

I am getting a pair of Thiel 2.4s in a 15ft x 20 ft room. Any recommendations from owners? Thiel are rated 4 Ohms (minimim 3 ohms). Budget is flexible $1500-$4500. I like to spend less. I have a Rogue 90 amp, is it enough for CS2.4?

Krell 400xi (a little concern with JA's test in stereophile)

Bat 300xse
Musical fidelity A5, trivista or KW500
Unico SE (140W)
Pathos logos

I don't like ML 383 and Rowland concerto.

Classical, Chamber, Jazz, no rock.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
I use a Gamut D200 Mk2, and it drove my Thiel 2.3'svery nicely before I got my current speakers, the Vr4jr's.
Iagree with Kalan, a very smooth amp with low fatigue factor. Seem to be available used a fair bit, too....on Agon
I once hear a pair of Thiel 2.4 driven by Audio Research tube preamp, Audio research SS amp using Acoustic Zen cables and the whole combo sounded fantastic. Probably one of the best soundstage I've ever heard. Can't recall the model's name though.
Try the McIntosh MA6900. I think the list price is now near $5,000, but there are usually a couple of used ones available on Audiogon. McIntosh amplifiers lean toward a warm full sound, which to my ears works very well with Thiel speakers.
I agree the MA6900 would be an excellent match for your speakers. The A5 would be good too IMO.
Well after the fact...

Hooked up my Musical Fidelity A5 integrated to my Thiel CS6s for fun and was impressed at how well they drove these speakers. Not quite as full and dynamic as my Krell 400cx but at reasonable levels, nearly as so. And the MF retained low level detail retrieval and was nicely extended into the bass. Again at around 80 dB levels from a nominal 12 ft listening position. Not too shabby and these can be purchased for around $1600 on the used market. I imagine this amp would work at least as well with the 2.4s (I'm looking for a pair hint hint!).