Internet Radio on Audiophile Quality 2 Channel System

How do you guys feel about playing internet radio through your highly invested two channel analog system? You spend all that time and money to get the synergy right and too play internet radio? I'm just curious! 


Showing 1 response by sgreg1

Are you in love with the music or in love with you system? I myself am in love with the music and will listen to and enjoy it any way I can consume it. Yes there are many way it can be delivered and they all sound different but in the end it is still music. I stream Austin Blues Radio direct from their web site. Does it sound like my tt no. Does it sound really good yes. I have found that after the fm bandwidth auction that sold off the government the signal changed and old fm tunes just can deliver or render the new signal. I have not researched or heard an new fm tuners of one’s that can decode hd outside my car radio. It does sound ok but very fatiguing. I’m my car I use my iPhone for source going through a iFI hip dac and this is a game changer for car ride. Enjoy the journey and move the music first.