Internet Radio Hardware

Just recently (!) I've been turned on to this as an alternative to over the air or other means of receiving radio. For my situation out in the sticks, it's ideal for receiving radio with reasonable sound quality. May even push aside the JRC for exotic finds . . .

From what I've gathered, as a substitute to a standalone tuner in a system, is it basically a version of Squeezebox or the Roku as far as the networked (WIFI) hardware component (intermediary DAC's aside)?

Showing 1 response by tgrisham

Do you have a computer or laptop near your audio system? I have used my laptop through a USB DAC. I am using a PS Audio in one system and a Peachtree in another. Trends is an inexpensive one. I am having loads of fun. Any computer will do. Don't worry about the fine points at this time. There are many ways to skin this cat, but just get started. I can't listen to FM anymore. Internet Radio, Pandora, ClassicalArchives Radio, etc. Have a blast!