Intergrated Amps. Krell or Plinius

Hi all,

Looking for a quality amp. to match a Dynaudio 1.3SE.

Have my list down to these two, a Krell 400XI or a Plinius 9200 I listen mainly to acoustic rock.

Any thought's ?
Hi. Is your's the 8200mk1 or mk2? I have a 8200mk1 and heard the Krell 400 with my speaker, a Magneplanar 1.6. Yes, the 400 is better is ALL aspect except that the high is clearly rolled off.
For what it is worth, I had a Plinius 8200 that I traded in to get a Krell 400. While I know some will be incredulous, the Krell was infinitely better, both in sound, and in features. I think the 400 is a big step up in musicality from the 300, and I have never really bought into the Plinius fanaticism. BTW, I use them with Totem speakers. Good luck.
FWIW, I own a YBA Passion Integre and, for my money/tympanics, was the one I preferred over the ones mentioned, plus the ML and, would you believe?, the JRDG Concentra II. I could have lived very easily with the Concentra, but the Passion had just that: Passion. peace, warren
I owned a Krell 300i; haven't heard the 400. The lower-end Krell stuff is just not that musical, IMO. It's almost a no-brainer between a Plinius, & a Krell integrated.........the Plinius integrateds are very highly regarded.
Then again there's the Simaudio, said to mate very well with the Dynaudio line. Try an used I5.
Fatigue will set in with the Krell. It is powerful but somewhat bright. The Plinius is a good amp but will also be a fatigue unit but not as quickly. The Mcintosh 6900 or 6850 would be more natural sounding and non-fatigue unit.
Just my two cents.