Intergrated amp question Krell KAV 300i Versus Creek Derstiny

I have used B&K separates for a while and find them just outright  musical but really like integrateds for the lack of extra power cords and ICs and variables.   My speakers are Mirage OM5s and AP oval nine speaker cables with AP original Copper Oval ICs    The source wil probably be a Marantz CD player and various vinyl  items.   I have a Krell KAV 300i right now whichIi know won a lot of awards and was popular  but some say it can be a bit  sterile  I do not find that but can see how it could tip in that direction easily.  I compared it to a Music Hall A 70.2 which I think is a real nice  amp but the Krell was more incisive and had more sharply focused images and a bigger stage  I am thinking about a Creek Destiny  Had one years ago but things were different.
Question is Creek Destiny v Krell KAV 300i and I will  also throw in Musical Fidelity A 300? 

Power is not  a problem with any of them  I do not like hyper detailed sound  That is not what live music sounds like  Rich sound sounds more real   Maybe I should stick with B&K 2140 and Ref or Ref 30  MORE CABLES

Showing 1 response by nolacap

I owned a KAV 300i and currently own a MF A308. The MF is probably more in-line with what you are looking for. Huge, organic sound. Almost tube-like but with great power and bass.

It’s  been a long time since I owned the Krell but I do remember it as more refined and less ballsy than the MF.