Interesting survey

How much newly released music do you listen to?
  • 5% Quite a bit
  • 14% Some
  • 34% Not much
  • 47% None
Shows are we are such a special group of people. We love music and its reproduction. To bad the audio magazines have turned it into a selling tool and tread setting. No matter if you like Vinyl, CD or Downloads which are the highest selling in the billions per year now, we are still a rare group that likes to collect and listen to whole albums and many like the physical touch and interaction. 
How much newly released music do you listen to?
  • 5% Quite a bit
  • 14% Some
  • 34% Not much
  • 47% None

This makes sense to me for dedicated audiophiles, but the opposite may very well be true, if you bring in i-pod, server, ect users into it as they love new music even though to me it's compressed, electronic made stuff.

Cheers George  
Interesting numbers from a survey! Where did it come from? A-goners or "general population"? 
Listening to Top 30 off my Sirius Radio is akin to being thrown into a torture chamber. But there is a lot of new music coming out from, say, Steven Wilson, or my fav EM field, or just something I keep discovering from the olden days... which would place me into 5-14% category. I find the OP a bit confusing... Is it about bying software vs streaming, or growing the collection, or new-new music being released?
I've been collecting albums since the 1970's and have a fairly large collection. At some point I'll start streaming so I can be opened up to more new music. We are fortunate to be alive at such a time that there is so much music available to us.