Interested in any feedback from current Kharma or Vivid speaker owners

Earlier this week I had the chance to listen to several lines of speakers.  I listened to Kharma, Vivid, Magico and Fyne.  Independent of price, I found the Kharma DB9S and DB11S and Vivid GIYA G2S2 to be a notch or two above the Magico M2 and were signifcantly less expensive. Value for the money hands down were the Fyne speakers.  

I'm inquiring to see if any current Kharma or Vivid owners can share their opinions or experiences with either of these two brands.  

Thanks in advance.
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Do you have any comments or feedback on a comparison between the VIVID Giya 2's versus either the Wilson Audio Sasha Daw or Alexia 2's?  I have had several sets of B&W speakers and one pair in a smaller setup so I like the Vivid sound.  Do you need subs with the Vivids or do you get nice deep tight bass with their arrangement and no port?