Interconnects and Speaker Cable, What in your history hit your pleasure button?

Many of us have had several sets of interconnects and speaker cables.  I have had many of the brands associated with at one time or another of being SOTA.

The ones that I remember having the most aural and mental impact on my pleasure index were the Wireworld Gold Eclipse.  I am not endorsing the Copper vs. Silver debate or forgetting the Nordost, Kimber and many other brands I have owned, I just remember the Gold Eclipse as being a major listening pleasure. 

And you?


Showing 1 response by pastorbob

It always mystifies me when folks doggedly espouse the notion that cables do not and cannot make a difference. They state this as if it were accepted scientific doctrine. I always think, what the heck are you listening to?? Cables can make a tremendous difference in the sound of a good, high resolution system. Years ago I found this to be true when I found The Cable Company and was able to audition a number of interconnects and speaker cables. I had what I felt was a pretty good stereo rig at the time. The first ic's I used were MIT 330. They made quite the difference in sound. I tried a few more over time including XLO. I finally chose Audioquest Diamond IC's as the best I had heard (they were expensive though). I got out of the hobby for a number of years, and when I got involved again selected Morrow audio cables, though I didn't really audition others. Just a few month ago I again got the urge to audition cables again. I bought some Audioquest IC's and was amazed once again at the difference they made (Sydney and Mackenzie IC's) So, I contacted The Cable Company, and after trying out a few cables selected Synergistic Research CORE UEF Level 2 IC's. THese are very good cables and again I was happy for a while. During a recent move I came across a length of Cardas Hexlink Golden 5C. I had bought this set used on a whim from Audiogon months before. I had only given them a cursory listen because I was trying out the Synergetics at the time. I had originally felt they were too veiled. Since I am now retired and have some time on my hands I decided to give them another try (I had also just purchased RME ADI 2 DAC.) Wow, with the resolution of the new DAC the Cardas opened up and amazed me. The sound was warm, but detailed. The sound stage was vast and imaging terrific. Wraping up this long story, I ordered some used Cardas Golden Presence cables on Audiogon. They were new, but discontinued by Cardas. The Golden Presence are absolutely the most musical ic's I have ever experienced. My system simply bloomed. So, do cables make a difference in the sound of a system?  I only know what I hear and that is they can and do make a difference. In fact they can transform your system.