Interconnects and Speaker Cable, What in your history hit your pleasure button?

Many of us have had several sets of interconnects and speaker cables.  I have had many of the brands associated with at one time or another of being SOTA.

The ones that I remember having the most aural and mental impact on my pleasure index were the Wireworld Gold Eclipse.  I am not endorsing the Copper vs. Silver debate or forgetting the Nordost, Kimber and many other brands I have owned, I just remember the Gold Eclipse as being a major listening pleasure. 

And you?


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I demo’ed a preamp last year and needed to borrow another set of interconnects because my preamp was a preamp/DAC unit.  The dealer (audio archon in Chicago area) loaned me Planus silver AG by MG audio.  The interconnects made a bigger difference in my system than the preamp did. But took me a lot of juggling positions, switching the cables and borrowing another cable from a friend to confirm it was indeed the interconnect.  Replaced my other interconnects (purist audio) with the MG Planus AG, too.  Special ordered one to a custom length an purchased a demo from the dealer, each was under a grand.