Interconnect suggestions

I have a pair of Martin Logan Sequel IIs (no cash now to update), an Adcom 585 amp, Adcom preamp, and 750 series Adcom CD player. I would like to update my interconnects and speaker cables. (lots of suggestions for speaker cables from previous posts) I've head that Synergistic Research, Nordost, and Wireworld would be potential matches for my system. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by fotopresd4b4

One should ask Jtao, strobl and lihifiguy what kind of INTERCONNECT they use between their modem and the wall jack? Is it silver, coaxial, flat rectangular 99.9999% pure? Heavens, we're talking about a high-speed digital interface here! What kind of INTERCONNECT do they use between their computer and their monitor? If it isn't Kimber, it must look AWFUL! If you don't use fancy oxygen-free $150 per foot silver coaxial wire for your cable TV (and that is a REAL UHF giga-hertz signal) then your favorite actress must look like a MARTIAN! Get real, guys. Audio is strictly LOW FREQUENCY stuff and 12 ga. lamp cord is about as flat and low-resistance as you can get for speakers, and interconnects will sound no different no matter HOW MUCH you spend for them unless they are poorly soldered or the jacks are oxidized. Spend your $$$ on great CD's, now THAT's incredible sound!