Inteligent high end cableing

Good grief.....I thought mating my electronics, speakers and budget was tough, but getting any consistancy with cableing advice seems impossible. I have recently acquired Proceed HPA3 amp (250/Ch), Proceed AVP pre-amp, Proceed PMDT DVD transport and will be linking them to either Watt Puppies 5.1 or to Revel Salons (there's a conversation right there). However, my real issue is what speaker cableing will match this setup. I can rationalize spending $40,000 on my system, but cannot get past $895 per foot for Audioquest top of the line. There's got to be a better 'mousetrap'. Any intelligent advice will be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by brulee

Tm12 mentioned coincident cables. About six months ago I bought a pair of coincident super eclipse speakers. I had kimber 1030 IC a pair of quattro fil IC and FMS nexus. In my system the 1030 and coincident sounded best. 1030 cost $1200. Coincident $300. Coincident speaker and PC cable are also excellent. Tm12 wasn't just talking. He did his homework. A friend of mine with Venture speakers Goldmun 36 transport and a million $ worth of other cables use's Coincident IC and speaker cable. My point is it's not just a good match with coincident speakers. Coincident cables is great stuff period. At it's price it's a must audition.