Intel Mac Mini

Apple has just introduced the new Mac Mini Solo and Duo (dual core processors). Interestly, the new Mac Minis sport digital optical audio inputs and outputs. No longer are Mac Mini owners limited to using USB transfer devices to getting digital audio output. Read some of the details here:

Obviously, Steven Jobs has picked up on the idea of using the Mac Mini as a media hub. The new Mac Mini even sports a matching remote control for navigating media tracks and controlling volume.

I am so glad I have waited on buying a new PC for my next digital transport. Coupled with a FireWire drive or Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, I am now ready to take the plunge into a hard drive transport.

Showing 1 response by davidz

A few thoughts, fwiw.

Those who are not sold on "rolling their own" with a monitor should consider the iMac G5 -- it's a gorgeous thing and dead quiet. Probably not much more expensive than the mini, once you factor in the cost of the monitor, mouse and keyboard.

Ted -- I've used the external drives w/ my iMac G5. Works wonderfully. I know nothing about ripping DVD's though -- just music.

The optical output on the mini seems like a great option for someone who already owns a DAC w/ an optical input. If you're starting w/out a transport or a DAC, and like the idea of PC audio, I'd strongly recommend a USB DAC over toslink -- from that perspective it's a step backwards.