Integrityhifi TRU-GLIDER Pendulum Tonearm

Has anyone lived with this tonearm for a while?  I am curious to see what you think of the unit.  I can see the frictionless design but I don't see how it remains in alignment while playing.  It is some very impressive "out of box" thinking, which caught my interest.

Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @lewm : the headshell is manufactured by Nasotec and yes it works with friction.

For what I read and know there is no measurements that can confirm zero tracking error with that headshell and that tonearm.

Sounds different?, of course sounds different, perhaps not so different as the dealer/distributor posted here.

Btw, according internet information with cartridges that needs low VTF it does not works so well. I know that nothing in audio is perfect but innovation always is welcomed.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,