Integrated tube amp vs Tube amp?

My first foray into tubes. Does it make sense to get an integrated tube amp if I have a tube preamp ? I have a McIntosh C2700 now. Should I just look for a straight tube amp to pair with the McIntosh? Do I get an integrated tube amp and use it’s preamp ? I guess I am asking will I get more performance ,for my money, by getting just tube amp?


Showing 3 responses by holmz

Usually the amp is powering speakers, and the speaker impedance comes into play at some point.
If they are super sensitive, then don’t bother with the amp… IMO.

What is the sensitivity and impedance profile (or rated and minimum ohms)?
That will help as a way to provide some useful recommendations.

For instance, if it is those big Moab’s, then get a big class-D.

I am using McIntosh 302 amp now. I wanted to experience “tube” sound and was thinking of trying “horn” sound also by getting a pair of Klipsch Cornwall 4 s. Currently have Goldenear Triton 1s and Ohm 5 Mk2s.

I suppose you can choose speakers based upon the amp, or the amp based upon the speakers.

At this point thinking about whether you want an integrated amp or stereo amp, or monoblocks seems a bit premature… IMO.

What is wrong with the golden ear or the Ohm speakers? Or what can be improved on?

There are 2 schools of thought on preamps:  Preamp should "add to sound quality" and "preamp should be invisible".  

Integrated tube amps usually are looking for the 2nd path to success.  So if you're in that school of thought, integrated tube amps may be the way for you to go.

If you're in the first school, then separates may be the way to go.

That second school of thought is likely where we get “synergy” from.
(Bright horns, and warm amps, etc.) 

Personally I want everything to be transparent and not spicing things up, and then using spoonfuls of yogurt and cucumber slices to cool it all down.

So we are back to wondering what speakers the OP wants to head towards in order to spice things towards making the “Synergy of the flaws” balance out.