Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2

Appreciate any input from Focal Sopra No. 2 owners on what they are using for front end source, I have a Hegel 300. Been reading the speakers can be sensitive to front end source. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by njcardave

My Sopra 2’s are powered by a McIntosh MC462 amp. The other equipment is a Backert Labs Rhythm 1.4 preamp connected to a Lumin U1 streamer and Aqua Acoustic LaScala DAC. I have a dedicated media room that measures 18’ x 31’ that is properly treated. I had the tweeter covers removed at one time but put them back because to me it help to scatter the highs. I have owned many speakers throughout my 50 plus years in the hobby. Everything from Ohm F and Martin Logan. After a long break in period I find that the Sopra 2’s are a great sounding speaker with any type of music. I would post photos if someone told me how.