integrated help please

peachtree grand itegerated any thoughts looking for a great integrated under 6000 with dac
If you must have the DAC built into the amp, you will be limiting your choices significantly. I have no Idea what your system is or what you like but if it was me I would get the Ayre 7 series integrated and their 9 series dac. Currently I have Ayre electronics and the sound is very, very good. If you can find a good deal on the BAT integrated, that would be another one I would consider.
As noted above, the Ayre AX-7e is a basic two channel integrated amplifier without many bells and whistles. It is a great sounding amplifier that works with many different speakers. The Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp sounds much better running with balanced inputs and not RCA inputs.

I own the Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier driving my Sonus Faber Auditor M Speakers in my living room. The music source is the Ayre CX-7eMP CD Player running balanced cables (XLR) to the Ayre amp. My Ayre AX-7e integrated sounds great to my ears. I suggest you give it a listen.