Integrated Amps vs. Separates.

I'm curious what people think the better option is, integrated amp or seperates. It seems that integrated amps are a cost cutting measure, but do they also cut sonic quality? Assuming similiar price ranges, what would people here generally choose. Give me some examples/brands/models and comparisions from your experiences. Thnaks. Carter p.s. Is the Krell KAV 300i really the king of integrateds like many reviewers say (i.e not only better than all other integrated amps but better than most seperates)?

Showing 1 response by puddles

I was happy with my Sansui AU517 integrated for the 18 years I had it. There were space advantages and it had all the features I wanted. I actually miss it...but... I now have two systems. One is a Golden Tube SEP1-se preamp biamped with Adcom GFA54511 & GFA 535. This is the living room system. I also have a music room with Anthem Pre1l and Amp1 (both tubes). Being that the living room system is now for when we have company, or for TV, and is not where I do my serious listening, I too am thinking of getting an integrated. My top contenders are the Anthem Integrated 2 and the Bryston B60. Both can be used with extra power amps, or used as preamps. I really like the idea and sound of seperates, but in this case, I think an integrated will do well.