Integrated amplifier - selection and alternatives

Hi everybody,

I am in the market for an integrated amplifier. The speakers are custom made:2-way, 83db sensitivity in 8 ohms, but they can go as low as 6.2 ohms in the bass region. My guess is that these speakers would love a 100w pc amplification. More is not necesarilly better, less might be not enough.

After I look around couple of alternatives seems interesting and reasonable prices for me:
- Accuphase E-308 (caveat - difficult to find in North America)
- Ayre AX 7 X (caveat - maybe not enough power)
- Krell KAV 400xi (caveat - not as musical as I would like)
- Electrocompaniet ECI-4 (caveat - a little bit overpriced compared with the the others that are bringing in similar qualities).

Being the market for a maximum $5800, which other integrated should I consider in your opinion?

Thank you very much for your time.
I owned an Electrocompaniet ECI-3 and loved it. I am sure the ECI-4 has the same sonic character. I would glady suggest this amplifier. You should be able to get a deal here on a used unit. I would also strongly suggest the Musical Fidelity integrateds. Good luck to you!

The most amazing 2 integrated amps I have ever heard are the Jadis Orchestra Reference, but only about 40 watts - main down-side is that it is a bugger to bias - you have to take it apart - and, even more impressive in many ways, the Bel Canto SETi 40. This is a remarkable sounding single ended int amp, with a digital-logic 0.5 db stepped remote volume control and that pure, involving, unique SET sound. (845 tubes)
But then 40 amps have to be enough. But what incredible 40 watts. Call Matt at Bel Canto - he's a helpful, honest and smart guy and will tell you if it's enough power for your speakers. You'd have to find it used. It's $6K new - used about $3500.
and how about bvaudio integrated, A300S is very musical, if not even the best out there.