If you can find a Rodgers EHF-200 MK2 on the used market you can add a sub giving you the dynamics as well as the beautiful tube sound a perfect match
Integrated Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution
I just purchased second hand SF Guarneri Evo's. They are the nicest looking stand mounted speakers I've seen.
I'm currently driving them with a NAD M33 and I think it is not the right match for them. There is no dynamics and they sound thin to me. I think these speaker have a lot more potential.The speakers are 4 ohms with a sensitivity of 86db. I listen to jazz, blues, instrumental and classical mostly.
My room is about 13 by 17 ft.. I have a Bluesound streamer and a Denafrips Ares II DAC.
I'm open to suggestions or recommendations for a nice Integrated Amp. I have a $10-12K budget. I rather buy it used, since I think I get a better value. I live in the Los Angeles area.