Integrated Amplifier for Silverline Minuet Supreme

I am looking for advice. I have had a Linn Majik before and I really liked it (the original Majik, not the newer incarnation), but I want to know what your recommendations are. The speakers are sweet and are keepers, just need a great amp to go with them. Thanks
I have a set of Minuets (not the Supremes) and I'm using a Nad 326 Bee with very satisfying results. Great mids and highs. Vocals are wonderful.
I had Minuets for awhile. They struck me as pretty forgiving speakers--sounded great with an old HK receiver, even better with an original Rega Brio. I haven't heard the new Brio-R, but given the very positive things I've read about it, it might be an excellent match.