Integrated Amp upgrade path

I’m currently using a Macintosh MC 8900 to drive Vandersteen Treo CT’s, with a six pack of Rel S510’s, streaming only.  I understand Boulder will shortly have a software upgrade for the 866 that will include an Air Play equivalent to allow full use of most streaming services.  Looking for thoughts from anyone with experience with the 866:  how much of an an SQ improvement with this upgrade?  Incremental?  Immediately noticeable?  Thanks for any help!

Showing 1 response by austinbob

I own Treo CTs and matched them with an Aesthetix Mimas integrated on the suggestion of John Rutan of Audio Connections. The Aesthetix is a zero-feedback design as are Ayre products and both are acknowledged as good matches for the Vandersteens. I like streaming as well and use an Innuos Zenith and Phoenix to stream to the DAC module in the Mimas. I use WyWires Platinum USB cables. The Innuos is my Roon Core and I stream with Qobuz. My points are to talk to Johnny and get his advice on amp matching. And the other point is that a a high-quality stream is readily discernible as superior.