Integrated amp recommendation

I recently bought a used pair of Swiss-made Piega p4L MKII floor-standing speakers. I am looking for a two-channel integrated amp to pair with them. Budget: $1,000.

Among the stated speaker specs: applied power rating 20-200 watts, sensitivity 89 db, 4 ohms impedance and frequency response 38 Hz-50 kHz. To me, the speakers’ sound can be described as natural, detailed and transparent, not aggressive and maybe slightly lacking in bass. The room is 12 x 20, carpeted but relatively bare. I listen primarily to classic rock, classic jazz and classical. I use a Bluesound Node 2i music streamer and CDs. Bluetooth would be nice but not essential.

Thank you for any assistance.


Showing 5 responses by jjss49


try to get to 1500 budget (used)... the performance steps up a notch over $1000 units ime

So what do you suggest at $1500?

around 1500 used i would consider a hegel h95, a sony ta-1es, a primare i-30 or an ayre ax7e - all are currently listed on the ’other’ popular used equipment site 

these all offer top class purity of sound (and ample power) that is not found in most units in the lesser price class

i have owned the belles aria (twice), along with numerous hegels, ayres, some upper older musical fidelities

david belles’ aria is a nice integrated, powerful, very stoutly built, nice phono stage in it too (the remote control is downright cheap though)

sonically, i found the belles to have a little more of a brash personality - more treble energy, some sizzle, a little grain, compared to the more refined hegel and ayre sound... so it depends if you want that or your speakers benefit from a little more sizzle up top...

the ayre, hegel and top flight retro musical fidelity amps (a308, muvista etc) provide a degree of treble sophistication of even higher tier solid state amplification (ample detail and soundstaging free of attendant electronic harshness)

"ended up buying all 3 of my choices"

must be the craziest thing I read here so far. I am sure it won’t stand for long.

kudos to the person who did this -- well, this is basically what i do... albeit carefully and patiently buying used pieces -- there is no substitute for first hand experience of how some component will sound like, and work, in one’s system

this is how i tried some 35-40 dacs in 3 years...


many ways to enjoy this pursuit... none right or wrong... so long as the passion, curiosity and will are there, and the wallet obliges

life is a journey, hopefully one filled with wonderful experiences ...