Integrated amp for Vivid 1.5
I'm looking for an integrated amp to replace my Plinius 8100. Speakers are Vivid 1.5, and room size is 10x10x8.
1. Budget is $2500. I'm looking for a step up from the Plinius 8100 level, therefore I'm looking for either used or demo unit (that retail price is around $4-4.5K).
2. I'm listening to Classic, jazz, vocals.
3. I'm not replacing audio gear very often (I had my Plinius amp for 17 years), therefore I prefer having an amp with High build quality.
4. I never had Tube amp before, and I read good things about Prima Luna amps (both for sound and build quality).
Does anyone heard Vivid 1.5 with Prima Luna gear?
Any other suggestions for an integrated amp in this budget?
System source: Logitech Squeezebox touch with Teddy Pardo power supply.
DAC: PS audio Nuwave (old version without DSD capability).
Thanks for your help.