Integrated amp for Usher Be-718?

Which integrated amp could be a perfect match for a pair of Be-718 Ushers? Does anyone have any experience wit'em? I'm interested in as many answers and choices as possible. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by johndoe21ro

Thanks for your answer but I don't know about that. My Ushers are low sensitivity and hungry for watts.
I thank you all for your answers. Apreciate your implication a lot. I want as many as possible, especially Usher owners which experienced the same problem as I did. I'm not sure about the price range - around 2500$ (new or sh - doesn't matter) and I like it warm and laid back but must be as involving and dynamic as it can be on this side. Not much bass extension, not a big fan but I want a crisp, clear and vigurous one. I want the amp to be able to control it. Don't want it too up front neither too laid back. Guess I'm getting you confused. Just pour some more options, please and describe your impressions. Thanks again all.

P.S. I'm thinking about an JR Concerto or a Primare I30 (both available for testing and close to my location)- if you have the combo, say somethin'.
Thanks, everyone. I went for the Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated. Sounds terrific and exploits the full potential of the Ushers. I'm using a Weiss DAC 2, AudioQuest Mont Blanc 72V DBS, AudioQuest Sky XLR 72VDBS. Unfortunately I have to downgrade from Mont Blanc to CV8 but let's hope the difference is minor. Gonna tweak my laptop a little and acoustically treat the room (cheap style, of course but hopefully efficient). Happy listening. :)
I finally settled with Jeff Rowland Concerto Integrated, Audioquest Sky 1m 72VDBS, Audioquest Volcano 72VDBS, Audioquest NRG-5, Weiss DAC2, Fisch Audiotechnik AC passive filter, Aavik rack with Nordost Pulsar Points. I couldn't be any happier. Maybe it's just my taste but I recommend to anybody else with Be-718 looking for an amp to at least make an audition with the JR.