Integrated amp for Totem Sttaff

Hello all. I am new to the site but have been ravenously reading reviews and posts the last few weeks. I am in the proccess of replacing my 20 year old Boston A 400's with the Sttafs....Now my dilemma.I am currently running a Denon 2106 and have found a helpful dealer selling...Naim, Creek, Sim, Cambridge, Arcam. I am seriously considering jumping in the deep end of the audio pool and get a new power source as well to match....My problem..The dealer is a 3 hr drive away so auditioning the Totems and the matching amps is possible, im hoping your experince may help me have a better starting point if im to drive that far....I know other brands are out there, but I dont have access to viewing them, let alone buying them. Im hoping $ 1,500 cdn will put me in a good spot to get the most from the Totems...Thanks in advance.

Showing 6 responses by dmg

I actually settled on the Cambridge 840A v2 after the dust settled from my initial transaction. It is nicely paired with my Sttaf's.
I have recently bought Sttaf's on the Gon and am using the Cambridge 840a to drive them. When I upgrade I will consider both the Krell 400 and MF A5.For now I have, what for me, is a very full and pleasing sound.
I have biwired my Sttafs with Tara Labs Prime 1000, courtesy of Zieman, and mass loaded them. Paired with my new Cambridge Azur 840A V2, the sound is everything I hoped it would be.
I am using the power cord that the amplifier comes with. I have not yet addressed that issue and won't for a while. I am however, always open to suggestions.
By the way, I have failed to mention that I am using the Sony C555ES SACD player with the Sttaf's and Cambridge.I have had it for a while now and it still performs quite nicely. All in all, quite an enjoyable listening experience.
Thank you very much for this thoughtful reply. Right now I have just separated my audio and video, so my Cambridge and the Sony are resting upon a marble end table, side by side, in my living room. They are about one foot from a wall of glass behind them. That will not change for awhile. I will try the Signal Cable soon for that price.
As for the SACD's, it is much like the difference between HDTV and regular programming. Nothing short of amazing for my ears. I rarely listen to anything but SACD's anymore. They are quite reasonable on Amazon.

Thanks for this response. I have looked at the Venom. May I have your opinion on this issue? A friend of mine sent me his preferred method of upgrading, which is a three step process. Here is the cut and paste from his email in response to my saying that I had looked at the Venom and Signal Cable, among others, and would like to stay around $100.00:
First we need to get power to the wall. Forgoing that, I like to begin with an Audience Power Conditioner. Feeding an A Plus 4 square box. Now we can use much shorter cords, and you will find they make little difference if upstream is A Plus, to borrow the term.
I trust this person completely, just want another opinion.