Integrated amp for Thiel 3.7's

I am sort off picking up where Thieliste, Jafant and others left off in the discussion thread about what electronics to use drive the Thiels.  I was, and I suppose still am looking for a preamp to drive my pass labs 60.5 mono's, but in reading some of the posts I have also started considering simplifying my system and just going for a high end integrated.  Part of the reason I am thinking about going in this new direction is that we may be moving- and this might be the right time to scale down.

I am not sure yet, but I have started thinking about it. 
For preamplifiers I keep on toying with the idea of a PS audio BHK, Pass labs xp12, Simaudio 740p, or an Aesthetix Calypso Eclipse.  One of these would replace my Prima Luna Dialogue Premium- as I have mentioned before I think I can probably get better detail, definition, and depth a preamp with a higher quality volume control (vs the Prima Luna blue velvet).

But maybe a high end integrated might actually do the trick as well- I cannot afford one of the new Uber integrateds but maybe some high quality used ones might work.  I am budgeting under usd10k.  By selling my other equipment I should be able to get to my budget with a relatively small additional investment (usd1-3k ?).

So I have been looking at Luxman 509x, Nelson Pass Int 250, Vitus RI-100 or RI-101....Diablo 300 would be out of my reach even used but maybe the 120, and maybe an ASR (the exclusive 2 would be so many boxes that it would defeat the whole purpose of consolidating the system- so maybe the 1?).  On these last 2 I really have no idea about how much one gives up going with the lower models.

Ultimately my hope is that the list above will still get me further than where I am with my current set up.

Anyway, would be very interested in your thoughts as I look at this new angle for my system.

Showing 7 responses by pgastone

Hello all,

I want apologize for having disappeared and dropping this thread but I unexpectedly had to travel for work.

I also wanted to thank everybody for their thoughts and advice- it has given me a lot to think about.

There is a rather interesting coincidence I should tell you about.  When I got from traveling one of the Pass Mono's died on me (maybe it heard I was thinking of integrated and decided to take it revenge?) so now I am actually using my back-up integrated- the Unison Research Unico Se with NOS tubes.  I have to say I am taken aback at haw good it sounds compared to the separates- not quite in the same league but closer than I would have expected.  And this has me thinking even more about an integrated.

I will actually look into Hegel- I do know about them but I have never had a chance to audition.  I know that they are very highly regarded and Magico crew is a big proponent (I in fact have a pair of Magico S1 Mk1 I have to get around to selling).  

@ georgehifi
 am indeed really tempted by the Diablo 120- I wish I had a better feel for the differences with Diablo 300.  That said it should be a pretty good match.

I have heard primaire and thought they did an excellent job however it was the more modest equipment.  I wasn't quite sure that Primaire was aimed at the more Uber integrated crowd but maybe I should reconsider? 

As of now I may have a chance to hear a Vitus RI100 from a local seller.  Very interested in any thoughts about this one.  Reviews have been great.

I also have a friend who insists that I should serious consider the Aesthetix Mimas and he is usually spit on.  I have always loved Aesthetix- he has an Aesthetix Janus and Atlas (standard version) running a pair of Carmels....absolutely suberb.  One of those situations that where you hear new details from music you have heard nameless time before.  Of course it helps that he has all Nordost top of line cabling, a Spiral Groove, and I think the top Lyra cartridge.  Whatever the case he suggests the Mimas can rival his separates or come extremely close.   I woudl egt it with an integrated phono to round out the set-up.  I am very interested in this option with maybe a slight reservation about this integrateds ability to drive the Thiels.  

Lastly, and speaking a cum phono option I am wondering about the Luxman- the new 509 seems to be building quite a following.  Any thoughts about it and the above?

Yes I realize I need something that is v stable into 2 0hms considering how close to that level the  impedance  for a significant part of frequency spectrum.

I think that the Luxman should be able to handle that but I will have to double check.  The Mimas I am much less convinced about and I might even call Jim White.

I will certainly look at this Mark Levinson- I heard other recent offerings with different set-ups and I didn't always like it- but one can never know without testing with ones own.  So I am going to look at this as well- maybe try a demo.  The other issue is that if Icannot find used it is out of my budget.

I am curious about the Vitus if I do manage to get an in home demo.
yes absolutely- I always check if power doubles, or is close, every time the impedance doubles.  Although the specs often do go that far- and my general assumption, which I always try to duoble check if the measurements are available.   I also always check the specs of the power supply transformer.

@ hasmarto.  I had missed the this new Audio Analogue.  This is definitely worth looking into.  I used to live in Italy and I am familiar with the company so I'll do some research on this one.  Thanks for that!!

Hmm thanks for that- definitely interesting.

Btw, anybody have thoughts on the Nelson integrated (250) are good and I obviously have some familiarity with the Pass sound that works well with the Thiels.
I obviously have to wonder how the INT250 would compare to mono 60.5's with the Prima Luna preamp....I would suspect that for the INT250 to be an upgrade the preamp section would be key.
Thanks unsound.....but the price!
Can't really go there- even the progression clocks in at $18k.
Yes, but if I stick with separates I am very happy with Pass mono's driving the Thiels- they sound very impressive and have no issues driving them.  At this point I would go to my original plan of replacing the preamp which as of now I have narrowed to Pass Xp12 (to test brand synergy), Simaudio Moon 740p, or an Aesthetix Calypso/Janus signature.

I would assume that there should be some very good integrateds that should be able to compete with separates but without immediately escalating to $40k for a Momentum.