Integrated amp for Magnepan 1.6QR?

Anybody has suggestions? Thanks for all replies.

Showing 1 response by zenaudio

I would suggest that you head over to the Maggies Users Group (MUG) at a different site for some more inputs. All those "inmates" are very passionate about their Maggies and offer very good practical advice. Your other option is to get a pair of Newform R645's which are much more efficient and would work wonders with your current set-up. I only mention this because I just made the 1.6 to Newform conversion myself recently. On a slightly different note, does anybody know why Bryston doesn't have a higher-powered integrated -- it sure seems like they could do very well with a B100 or B150? By the way, all of the above suggestions, i.e., Plinius, Classe and your own Bryston 4B-ST are safe and solid choices. You might also look at that Rotel monster (the 1090). TAS just gave it a great review and it should definitely solve your low-end problems. I have the 991 and received great bass slam with my 1.6s. Mike