Integrated amp for less than$2500,your suggestion

Hi, I have been contemplating of buying a better Integrated amp to replace my NADC370. I would prefer warmer,smoother
,musical and full-bodied sounding unit.My budget is for not more than $2500.My system:Quadral Ascent850,3 way-floorstander,89dB(4-8ohm);Analysis Plus Oval 9 spkr cable;TruthLink IC(harmonic tech);AhNjoeTjoeb 4000CDP(Amperex7308 tubes,Upsampling). Your suggestion is highly appreciated and thanks in advance
Give the Jadis Orchestra Reference a try , you will find warm, smooth, musical sound.
For that price, Musical Fidelity, Plinius, Arcam. I have an Arcam A32 (100W) and it is great, lots of detail, subtle and able (I am driving a pair of B&W N805s). Although I am now thinking about upgrading and am torn between the Mcintosh MA6900 and the YBA Passion Integre.
All you SS guys should really, really, really check out a well designed tubed pre/amp or integrated.

You really can't get that kind of musicality, warmth, smoothness in solid state unless you're talking 5digits, and I don't mean to the right of the decimal.

I heard the Old Integre DT, and, while it is a neat looking, great sounding piece, I would NEVER describe it as warm.

Now, Dr. Simon:
You took a chance on the Tjoeb, and I bet you preferred it?

Why is that?
Thanks Gthirteen. Like to know about the sonic characteristics of Old Integre DT(stands for ?)and where can I find one? well, I would propably get Heart6000 if I had knew months earlier. It was simply my first Tube-drive CDP upgarde from my 10 yrs old Philips850mkII and I am satisfied with Tjoeb4000.Please tell me more if you have additional opinion and suggestions and thanks in advance