Integrated amp for Klipsch Forte

I have a Marantz 2275  with a pair of Klipsch Forte and it sounds great. I want to do away with the radio part of the receiver and go with an integrated amp with plenty of muscle for bass. Right now, I listen to the receiver with the loudness button on and this will give me the bass satisfaction that I enjoy with the Forte speakers. 

What integrated amps that can you recommend that will have a loudness switch or have a decent bass control for around a $1000? I've had the Outlaw Audio 2250 and sold it because I was not satisfied with it for long term use. This integrated amp can be new or old tube, solid state or hybrid. Thanks for your inputs.


Showing 1 response by montanapbn

I have an Antique Sound Labs MG Si15DT, a modest 5 wpc SET integrated with Gold Lion KT88s and a pair of NOS Telefunken 12ax7s, upgraded coupling caps to a pair of V-Cap CUTFs driving a pair of Forte I's with the Crites upgraded cross-overs and titanium tweeter diaphragms. 

Sound pretty darn good!