Integrated Amp for Focal 1027be speakers

I'm looking a integrated amp for my Focal 1027be speakers. I previously owned the Sim I-7 before I decided to go with a 5 channel Classe SSP600/CA5100 set-up. Now I'm thinking about going back to a dedicated 2 channel system and selling my 5 channel system. I'm using the Oppo 95 for cds and the Olive 04hd as a music server with Synergistic tesla interconnect and speaker cables.

I could go with separates but I hear that many of the newer integrated amps are pretty close to separates. I would go with separates if I could get a deal. Since the Focals can sound a little bright on lower quality recordings, I'm hoping to find find an amp that would go good with the Focals. I prefer solid state equipment since I don't want to hassle with tubes. I've considered the Sim 700i, Pass INT-150, and ModWright KWI 200 with the optional built in DAC.

Showing 4 responses by lloydelee21

Yes, some of the latest integrates are truly SOTA pre/amp in one. Pass sounds good. Also, Vitus integrated, Gryphon Diablo...both stunningly powerful and also based around designers who seek purity of tonality. Depending on budget: Esoteric has one, Zanden just came out with one too. YBA Passion (their reference series) also has one, i think. Mark Levinson's 383? i think that was their integrated model.

Regarding the 3ohm dip, the 30 watts is (as far i understand) not quite the metric to focus on. It is what happens to the amp as the impedance dips. For example, in many well built amps, the 30 watt, 8ohm rating will continue to double as the rating halves...60 watt/4ohm, 120 watt/2ohm. Which is a much better indicator the amp can handle the low ohm rating. And because the wattage doubles, you will also get more volume than if the speaker were a flat 8ohm load.

I suspect Pass may not quite double all the way down, but i bet its power reserves are quite good.

The question you may ask regarding the 30 watts might better be asked in relation to the efficiency of the speaker. For example, if the Focas is 86db efficient, then you might find 30watts does not give you enough db above 86 decibel to have big volume. If the speaker is 95db, many people would say you have enough wattage (providing it can handle the ohms as per above) permanently damage your hearing if you're not careful with the volume!

What sensitivity is your speaker? Does Pass tell you what the wattage is as the impedance drops? Sometimes, reviewers will measure this in the review (if Pass does not say).

At 91db, if you've got 30 watts/channel (but in reality much higher) from should be fine providing it handles the lower impedances well. I bet it does. as said here, check with Pass. Good luck.

Yes, Pass will do that. Any amp that runs pure Class A will run hot...the reason is that they are design to effectively run "full blast" all the time in my non-techie understanding...very inefficient, but also very little distortion as a general rule. What does not get used to drive sound, gets dissipated as heat instead. Hence hot and hence drawing a lot of power when idle.

in the case of Pass, i think they may run Class A through 30 watts and then switch to Class A/B...but the first 30 watts actually means much of what you are hearing will probably stay within the 30 watt part of the amp's driving capability.

To those with greater tech-knowledge (probably most)...pls correct me if anything here aint quite right.