Integrated amp + DAC + room correction all-in-one for Nola Boxer 1 + REL R328 sub

Dear forum,

I’m looking to upgrade my integrated amp + external DAC source to an all-in-one integrated amp + DAC + room correction box. Budget to $2500, may stretch to $2800 if super-compelling.

I currently use a Creek 5350se integrated amp, with external DAC input from a Yamaha RX-V773 AVR (TI/Burr-Brown PCM1681 DAC chip on whatever circuit Yamaha cooked up).

Loudspeakers are Nola Boxer 1 on Dynaudio Stand 4, and REL R328 sub connected by Neutrix cable to main L/R binding posts on amp. Loongg runs of ProWire speaker and Neutrix cables through crawlspace to loudspeakers / sub.

Music = classical + opera, electronic, new & old rock, alternative, trap, house

Room is 18’ x 12’ x 13’h average ceiling height (2808 cu feet), hardwood floors, random furniture objects. Speakers 6’ apart, REL sub in corner to right of right speaker, listening position 8’ from center of speaker axis.

Requirements (but will flex if compelling):

  1. one box, no separates: amp + DAC and ideally + room correction
  2. ethernet-in on DAC circuit <= can be talked out of this if sensible alternatives
  3. ’classic’ & useful front-plate design <= no NuPrime IDA-16
  4. simple, solid, non-stupid remote <= again, no NuPrime. Rogue doesn’t get hi marks here either
  5. known affinity with Nola Boxer 1 a huge plus

Here are units I’m researching in DESC order of coveting-ness:

  • Hegel H190 <= yes $4K USD srp, will stretch to $2800 to buy used
  • Parasound HINT6 Halo <= ESS Sabre32 Reference ES9018K2M DAC, new product, no reviews/track-record. No ethernet-in either. Will stretch to $2800 for used ... and probly have to wait a long time for that.
  • Creek Evolution 100A <= no ethernet-in. Eventual poor reliability experience with my existing Creek 5350se, which used a lo-quality ALPS input switch, which is failing
  • Micromega M-100 <= will stretch to $2800 for used. No ethernet-in afaict.
  • Rogue Cronus Magnum II <= reviews suggest cheap-feeling remote. No ethernet-in.
  • Yamaha A-S801 <= ’budget’ solution at $900 USD, ESS Sabre ES9010K2M DAC circuit. Needs Yamaha wireless connector for ethernet-in. May not have room correction?

All helpful feedback appreciated including units I haven’t considered. Relatedly, I’m wondering how much I’d give up if I went the ’budget’ route (Yamaha A-S801).

Showing 3 responses by portlandiego

@audiotroy i too am very interested in the Micromega and have few, if any reservations, including longevity (as mentioned above), but also the fact that there is class a/b amplification (heat?) in such a small package. i understand there's a fan inside? how does this work? is it always on? does it turn on only when needed? i imagine the amp must get very warm... does the fan affect sound quality?

a couple of other questions (that i can't seem to find answers to online):

-do all input analog signals (RCA/Phono) get converted to digital and then reconverted back to analog? if yes, i'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on pros/cons of this.

-what's the amp's capability of max current? for example, the HALO is 45 amps/ch!!

-how is the phono stage? would it be appropriate for a 2-3k turntable?

-i've seen on other forums that the m100 carries a 10-year warranty but have been unable to verify this on the manufacturer website -- can you confirm/deny?

-lastly, you mention the m100 just "got a rave review." can you post a link or send a PM? thanks!!

it goes without saying but i'll say it anyway: it's invaluable to have someone on these forums with access and insight to a very sophisticated product. one that will undoubtedly pave the way for more compact and sleep all-in-one packages! thanks in advance for taking the time to read my questions and, if you are so inclined, for responding for the benefit of all interested.
@usery thank you! I hadn’t seen that one yet but I’ve been slowly making my way through all posted info... which seemingly is increasing. Incidentally, I posted a response on another thread that may be more appropriate here. I’ll copy and repost below. 
From an older thread... I meant to reply here. Apologies for double posting:

It’s worth mentioning that a Micromega rep (in Portland, OR) confirmed that the phono stage remains completely analog. There is no digital conversion.

Another post in this thread mentioned something about the number of inputs. Seems like a lot of folks are overlooking the XLR inputs. These are analog — so even without balanced cables, a XLR-male-to-RCA-female adapter gives a second analog input. In a home audition, there was no discernible difference in sound from the RCA analog input (same RCA cables coming from an Oppo 203). And if you have the 205 you have the option to go fully balanced (sadly, I do not). That plus a phono stage makes three analog inputs. Optical input for a BluRay player, USB input for a computer, and an Ethernet cable for any over the air play and network devices seems like a whole heck of a lot of options to me. 

I believe the Micromega app has internet radio stations from all over the world and the same Micromega rep also confirmed Tidal is coming to the app within the next few weeks.

I spent a good amount of time with a demo unit and would be happy to answer any more questions!