Integrated Amp ca $2000 with streaming, DAC, phono stage

Hi All:

I am trying to streamline my system and am caught between Best Buy trying to sell me junk and high-end sound technicians offering $30K systems. I want an amp that will power my speakers (Totem Tribe III—don't ask; the wife insisted on invisibility), phono, CD, TV (with cable and Apple TV), and streaming services. Can one of you audio geniuses please help me? Thanks so much in advance!

nchasin OP

1 posts

Thoughts on Gold Note?

you said 2 grand in loonies correct? don’t think you can touch a gold note for that much money

not that its better than a hegel... but since you asked

I see nothing @ $2K except for used which is sporadic.

Are you too compromised to search for yourself?