Integrated amp

Downsizing from separates to an integrated amp. My local dealer says the Moon 600 I would be a good match with my Magnepan 3.7I. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by hgeifman

My retailer told me that SimAudio offered to “buy back” my 6+ month old SimAudio 600i V2 integrated amplifier at “full price” in exchange for a new SimAudio 700i V2 Integrated amp.  

After a long conversation with my retailer, I decided to accept his offer. The 700i V2 amp has an oversized dual-mono power supply.  My retailer said the sound improvement will be very noticeable. I auditioned the 700i V2 amp and liked what I heard using my PMC Twenty5.26 speakers. It was a great opportunity, so I ordered the 700i V2 amplifier.   I have owned the 700i V2 for several weeks and it is excellent. 

The 700i V2 amplifier has its own dedicated power supply for the preamplifier, while the 600i shares its power supply with both sections. The 700i V2 amp also features a considerably larger power transformer with greater reserve capacity.  

My retailer highly recommends SimAudio products because of their excellent sound quality, solid construction and great customer service. SimAudio offers that for any new SimAudio equipment you bought new, they will credit you 100% of your $$ investment if you purchased the unit in the last 12 months, and 75% in the last 12-24 months. This is how I upgraded to the SimAudio 700i V2 integrated amplifier. 

My new SimAudio 700i V2 amp sounds excellent. It sounds clearer with more musical detail then my previous SimAudio 600i V2 amp.  

Both the SimAudio 600i V2 and 700i V2 are excellent integrated amps.  I hope this helps.  


@toneranger58,  The list price for the SimAudio 700i V2 amp is $14,000 (US$). 
You might find a retailer offering a lower price on a demo unit.