Integrated Amp $1200 or less

I’m currently using an Anthem I225 integrated amp and am consider a different integrated.

I would prefer solid state.  I am not opposed to used and actually prefer that route if I can get more bang for the buck that way.

Im wanting something that still has enough power to drive my speakers (Fritz Carreras) to satisfyingly high levels.

I’m preferring an integrated so I don’t need an additional power cord and rca cords.

I’m open to suggestions.  I could be swayed into spending a little more if I can get alot more performance.

I’m looking for more refinement.  My source is a bluesound node 2i and I’m currently using the dac in the bluesound.  
I’d prefer getting an integrated with no dac and will upgrade my Dac later.  Again, I wouldn't rule out a great integrated that has a dac!

Thanks ahead of time for the suggestions!


Showing 7 responses by b_limo

Whoa, I was not expecting that many more responses.  
I’m sorry, I should have given you all an update. 
I was already on the same page.  My next big purchase will be a really nice dac 👍

Once I pay for the Carreras, my spending may slow down so I may even get a better dac in the $500-$700 range for the interim before I drop $2000 on a dac.

I’ve already had the Carreras in this set-up and loved them; thats why I’m buying a pair!

Anyhow, Thank You everyone for the sound advice and helping me work through that decision!

My next thread started will probably be which dac below $700 ish...

Thanks Again!!
already started the ghread then I read this...

Been here for awhile and should use the search function more 😕

will start doinv that from now on.  
I’ve been hearing about Raven Audio 👍

I’m rusty on myAmp/Preamp knowledge.  I know I stated solid state but I’m really looking hard at a preowned PrimaLuna Prologue Premium Integrated...  
I’ll def check out Raven!
Man, I can’t swing the $3,000 for a raven amp unfortunately.

Nuprime IDA 16 will be one I can consider for sure.  I was looking at the little brother awhile back and was impressed.

Thanks for that suggestion!
If I have to go separates too, I will.  
I don’t want totally rule something out if it is going to be a better way to go.

A few amps that are for sale local to me that interest me are: Proceed HPA2 for $1100 and an Atoll IN200...

It seems like the Fritz Carreras are tube friendly and are a fairly easy speaker to drive so the sound quality of the amp is more important, probably, than all out power.
Ugh, so many good choices but it p...s me off the layout of some of the binding posts.  I have teally chunky speaker cables with spades and am not trying to bend them in a funky way.  The vincents pc is right by where my cables would be.  The W4S binding posts are in thag stupid diagnol fashion.

maybe its time to send my cables back to get reterminated with bananas  🤦🏻‍♂️
Awesome!  Thanks for all of the solid suggestions... looking into every single one right now.
Thank You Thank You Thank You 🙏