Integra 9.9 v 40.1/.2 MAIN DIFFS ??

I believe I want to get either an Integra 9.9 – 40.1 or 40.2 BUT a couple things aren’t clear to me between these models… apart from the fact they all have been very well received.

1 does every change in audio sound field, display resolution, input selection, etc get displayed on the main display screen even if connected via HDMI… or ANALOG? If one wishes it of course.
My onkyo SR 805 DOESN’T indicate anything but the MAIN menu on the screen, and in so doing eliminates the current video image.

2 all of these have tuners built in, right?

3 from the 9.9 & on, all of these allow for individual source video alterations to be input and saved, right?

4 is the only diff from 40.1 – 40.2 the addition of 7.2 analog inputs?

5 do any or all of these allow for distribution of digitally input info to be output to the second or third zones?
My 805 ONLY allows analog inputs to be output to zones 2 & 3… no digital inputs get rerouted.

Lastly, is or was there any significant improvement or drop off in audio or video performance anywhere in this group?

One of my local dealers has all 3 units…. But wants $1695 for the 9.9… and it’s an operating demo…. I believe the 40’s are less pricey… so I thought to ask here to help me better choose between these models… or maybe I just need to find another dealer. There seems to be quite a few around.


Showing 3 responses by blindjim

3-D... yeayh... that and the 7.2 analog inputs. Makes sense.


New for $300? I'd have been to skeptical to have bought it, personally.

50.1? Sweet jumpin' jellyfish! Integra engineers need to lay off the cafine. People are going to get gun shy of Integra releases... seeing them come out every few months. and watching their recently new products get outdated. Amazing. it's just like receivers!


wrote>> One very big difference is that the 9.9 has Audyssey Multeq XT and the 40.x's only have multeq<<

and that's big? why?

money, I'm afraid to say is a major consideration now... I'm going to need to stay around the grand mark or as close to it as I can... if this is going to be done.


yes... I did a bit back, looking thru the diffs from one model to another. I missed the 50.1 completely though. I saw only the two 40's and 80's.


Thanks. I'm really not interested in another reciever this go 'round... ONLY a proc.

3-D is of no value to me at all.

If I were able to find even an ONkyo prre/proc which was HDMI 1.3, and of recent release or on close out, that'd be OK too.

I want to noticeably improve upon my Onkyo TX SR 805 receiver's pre/proc duties, so it can trickle down into another system.

I feel a dedicated pre/proc ought to be better than a receiver being used as a pre/proc.

Consequently, I'm thinking of choosing between the CURRENT Integra units... and the older 9.9.