Int-Amp after Rega Mira 3? What's Next?

My first decent amp was a Mira 3. Sound is clear, mid and highs are detailed - analytical to the point of coldness. On some music it sounds great (electronic, classical) but rock sounds dead, no oomph, even with sub-bass.

So, looking for a 'modest' priced integrated to return that sense of analog warmth to my sound (while hopefully retaining some of that great Rega detail, clarity). Any thoughts on an int-amp that is more 'human' without breaking the bank?
I have a Mira 3 and notice none of the qualities you describe. Perhaps it is your speakers, or interconnects. I'm using JPS Ultraconductor and Signal Cable interconnects for the various sources I'm using, as well as REL Strata sub and VonSchweikert VR1 speakers. Plenty of deep, punchy bass, NO coldness, plus the mids and highs you describe.
What I found on my Brio 3 (now sold) was that the spk. binding posts are pretty cheap quality and sound poor. It's easy to change out to something better. Vampire BP Hex's or even better are Superior Electric BP-31's. Changes the sound for the better. Smoother/warmer. Along w/power cord and interconnect's, you can improve on a very good Int. amp. It's amazing what simply little things can improve the sound! Good luck w/your search.
Thanks for your responses - may try to work with the Mira, then, before throwing in the towel. Like I said, the detail is remarkable, and its only on 'rock' music (25%) that I sense the loss of overall warmth or full range power. Thanks again.
I agree with Kotta. A good upgraded power cord can also bring noticeable improvements as well.
What speakers are you using? These might be contributing more to your sense of "coldness" than the amp. Or perhaps the amp / speaker mating isn't optimal.

I find it interesting that you say it sounds good for classical but not rock music. I associate both with similar needs, and if anything the classical music requires a higher dynamic range. By classical do you mean just chamber music?

One integrated that I highly recommend for people looking for the type of sound that you are is the Music Hall Mambo. It really is a wonderful amp, and sits on the warm side of neutral, but not annoyingly so. I use one in my home office.
