Insurance rider for your gear?

How many of you folks here have a separate rider on their homeowner's insurance policy for their gear? This question was posed to me by my understanding spouse as she perused the the credit card statements containing my most recent acquisitions.

I know that we are covered up to certain amounts under contents, but our system is now at the point where it represents at least 25% of the total covered by our policy for contents of the house.

Showing 1 response by avideo

I deffinately agree that an additional insurance rider to
cover your audio gear and CDs/Tapes/Records is worth the
very small additional premium you pay. Shall we face the
facts - some insurance companies are great to deal with when you have a claim - and others are pains you know where.
It really isn't until you actually have a claim, that you
ever find out what type you have. Who needs more hassles in
life? Spend a few extra dollars and aviod the worry.