Installing Dedicated Power Lines -- Need Advice

My general contractor is hiring a licensed electrician to install dedicated 20A lines for my audio system as part of a whole-apartment rewire and gut renovation.  While I'm sure the electrician is very capable, I'm also pretty sure he doesn't know anything about audio systems either.  Can any of you recommend a consultant or electrician who specializes in audio electrical I can hire to advise my electrician on how to best set up these lines?


Showing 7 responses by jdoris

A few random observations:

I'm sure you've checked, and a lot has been covered here, but a search for "dedicated lines" will reveal numerous useful threads -- common topic.
I've lived in three houses, and did dedicated lines in the first two.
In one case digital and amp on different lines, in another not, in all cases, upgraded outlets.
I did not notice dramatic differences, and am not in a hurry to do it in the new place.  But  if you've got room on the panel, and no special hassles to deal with, it's pretty short money by audiophile standards, so why not?
I definitely liked the piece of mind of whole  house surge suppressor, which is also a reasonable outlay.
I'd certainly use a licensed electrician for liability reasons.
FWIW, the "sparkys" I consulted on these projects were completely incredulous that audiophile details like heavy gauge romex could make any difference -- but then, they don't like pulling heavy romex.

Well, maybe not a cure for insomnia!  But I never did regret doing my lines, and eliminating one potentially messy variable, even if there was not an audible 'wow'.  And the sticker price will seem muted, as part of a larger rehab.

On the speakers, huge fan of Devore -- John is a really nice guy, and it would be nicely fitting for you to buy local, from a builder who has NYC apts. in mind.
I have not heard the Super 9's but I much preferred the O/93 and 0/96 to the Nines -- more relaxed and musical I thought. If you are keeping the 22wpc amp, or are in any event committed to lower power tubes, I expect you'd welcome the higher efficiency of the 0s.
I came very close to getting the 93; for my money, they were quite competitive with the 96s at 75% of the cost.
I seem to have heard differences in cabling, including power cords, and as I said, I have not heard conspicuous differences with dedicated lines. (Of course, lines not an easy change to meaningfully A/B).
So I hunch you'll hear more from the outlet than to the outlet.  FWIW, I think you'd hear more with the same dollars in things besides cabling -- for example, a well considered 2100$ upgrade to speakers.
(One exception might be if if your kit is on a heavily loaded circuit: I suspect one could hear the draw of a refrigerator cycling.)
All things considered, though: my advice is to do the AC.  My reason for this has to do with psychology unrelated to sound: now is the time to do it, since it will be an expensive hairball later, and if you stay in the hobby, you'll regret not doing it.  From the wall improvements can always be done the next time you are feeling spendy, but not the AC, at least for a sensible price.
So my vote is to do the AC, and sleep well, secure in the knowledge that you are doing everything right.  :)
I wonder if you like a little more forward presentation than I do, which is one way of characterizing the difference between the Os and the 9s.
I didn't know about Bache, but something like that might be true of them: looks like metal high end drivers, while I gravitate to silk.
In any case, you'll be getting a homegrown speaker, which is cool.

A quick tangent, but
+1 to lowrider57:
Thanks to the late great Almarg.

I've been away from  here  for some time, and hadn't heard about Al, and just discovered the news of his passing.I wrote this with tears in my eyes: I never met Al, and I was able to understand only a fraction of what he wrote, but I always marveled at his smarts, generosity and grace.
There seems to be a lot of concern about conduct/misconduct on Audiogon these days: good to remember the the shining example Al set.My speakers are the same ones Al championed for many years; I'll play something for him tonite.