Installing dedicated 10 gauge lines

Everyone keeps saying how important it is to have a dedicated 10 gauge line from your breaker box to your amp (I have a Diablo 300), and a second one to your source components (primarily an InnuOS Zenith Mk 3 streamer/Roon core).

I would love to do this, but isn’t this a major expense, like $15k or more? Does all the drywall back to the breaker box need to be ripped out to install the new lines?

Sorry if these are dumb questions. If the answer to the above is yes and yes, this project definitely won’t get past my wife!

As an aside, on the same 15A circuit, I have my amp, streamer, a Mac Mini that is normally on, my TV, video game consoles, and a network switch. So, obviously not ideal but out of all of these the only things that are on while I’m listening to music, beyond my amp and streamer, are the Max Mini and the network switch which supplies network connections to my tv and game consoles.

Hoping installing the dedicated line installation somehow doesn’t require drywall ripping and replacement?








Showing 1 response by clearthinker

@mrskeptic     Love it!  You are utterly and totally correct.   You may join my club.

But a blind testing rig could be created in a large lab.

The power cable and fuse guys and all the other snake oil people hate blind testing because it proves that wire is wire and juice is juice.  They are NEVER prepared to subject themselves to blind testing, saying that it 'makes them nervous'.  Quite right it does.  Nervous they will be proven as fools.