Installing '0' ring drive belt onto platter.....

I have owned a J.A. Michell SE turntable for at least 20 years.
Today I was changing the oil in the hydro-dynamic bearing, a once a year event.
That procedure is straightforward and easily accomplished.
The one thing that is difficult is re-installing the '0' ring back onto the platter.
Normally a 15 minute job with lots of mumbling under my breath, because the '0' ring wants to come off.
So, today, I had a epiphany!
I tore off 3 small pieces of blue painters masking tape. As I slowly worked my way around the platter, I taped the belt to the platter to keep it in place!  Belt stayed on, removed tape, job completed.
Success....worked great!  
Thought I would share with others having the same issue.

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