Insane ground loop; anybody wanna try?

I have a ground loop that's been killing me for weeks. I've tried several things to limited or no success. I've written to Mike Sanders at Quicksilver, but I'm a little chagrined to keep asking him questions that aren't really the fault of his gear.

Anybody want to have a go at solving this puzzle? It's driving me nuts, and I'd be grateful for any help.

Relevant equipment:
Rowland Capri preamp
Quicksilver Silver 60 mono amps (EL34)
Sunfire True Sub

Amps, preamp, and sub are all plugged into a Monster 2000, so everything shares a common wall outlet.
Plugging the amps into separate wall outlets has little effect either way.
Amps are damn near dead-quiet with no input, so it's shouldn't be the transformers or the tubes.

Amps plugged in to the preamp (shielded DH Labs RCA cables) hum, and the sub does too. Swapping cables has no effect.
Unplugging and reconnecting sources (a turntable and a Mac Mini via a Schiit DAC) has no effect.
Unplugging the sub has little effect (except it eliminates the hum in the sub, haha).

Lifting the ground on the amps reduces the hum — by about half, but definitely not completely.
A Hum-X has no (or very little) effect, whether placed on the preamp, an amp, or the sub.

For obvious reasons I don't want to lift the ground on the amps permanently.

I'm not an electrical engineer, but I'm a logical guy.

Ideas? I'm open to any with two requests: First, if you don't know something for sure, please say so. I don't want to play in electron traffic because somebody just guessed at a solution. And second, if you disagree with somebody, don't call him names, okay? There's more than enough gratuitous meanness in the world right now without insulting people over stereo equipment. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by shoresaudio

@jmcgrogan2 wrote:
Disconnect any CATV hookup regardless, you may be surprised.

I fought a ground loop hum for a month or so, and ignored the CATV line because it was on a different circuit. Turned out to be the culprit anyway.
Ground loops find a way.

This happens due to a different grounding point. I discovered this at my house also, but with DSS/DirectTV back in the early days. I had the dish and coax grounded outside right below the dish with a separate copper grounding rod, and the electrical service in the house was grounded 35 feet away, at the service entrance. I didn’t realize it at the time, but those two different grounding points are a difference in potential, as well as creating a 35 foot "loop" if the ground from the satellite were somehow introduced into the audio system (which is what was happening with the DirecTV receiver). When I unplugged the satellite coax, the humming went away.

While this doesn’t quite apply in the case of the OP’s question, it makes me wonder what the grounding situation is for the wiring in the house. If everything is grounded through the circuit breaker panel (which in turn is grounded to a single point in the house such as a water pipe, or outdoors to a stake in the ground), then it should be OK. But if somehow the newer wiring is grounded in a separate place, then that could cause a problem.

I have an odd hum issue in this house as well. My equipment is in an addition built in the mid 1980s, where the original part of the house was built in 1940. I found out that the ground wire isn’t connected in some of the outlets in the addition, so I have my own dilemma to attend to shortly...