Generally equipment such as amplifiers have a high, non specified input impedance, commonly known as a bridging input. Input impedances range generally from 10 K Ohms to 100 K Ohms. This is generally done to allow you to parallel connect several amplifiers across your program source, and is commonly done in PA Applications. It is very common in Broadcast and other Professional applications to have equipment with an inherent high input impedance, and have a switchable 600 Ohm Termination resistor across the input terminals to give you a 600 Ohm input if this is required.
Suggest you simply ignore the amplifier input impedance, and load the input with a resistor of the value you require for your filter. If for example you need a 1000 Ohm input, simply use a 1000 Ohm resistor, and ignore the actual input impedance of the amplifier. There will be a small, but probably not significant error having the 1000 Ohm resistor in parallel with the 20000 Ohm or thereabout amplifier input impedance.