Innuous Zenith-saving albums question

I've had my Zenith for a few years and it's been great.  But when I want to save an album from Qobuz or Tidal, I go to the album (on my ipad), click on the + sign, and see a kind of circular graphic.  Several seconds later, the + sign reappears. I click on it  again and the same circular graphic comes back for 10-30 seconds--until the + sign comes back. This happens 2-4 times until, at some point, a heart symbol appears and the album is saved.  I'm just wondering if this is normal behavior?  Seems like a lot of steps-touching the + sign 2 to 4 times (with pauses between each time) in order to save an album.


Showing 1 response by rc22

@brownsf  (OP)

Definitely, your Sense app is mis-firing.  I use Sense to control Qobuz with a Pulsar but had a Zenith for over 2 years.

My guess is that the graphics on my Pulsar/sense combo, that I am about to describe, would be the same on a Zenith.  I see two icons or graphics under the album, both of which include a + (plus) sign.  The one on the left is a square with the + sign inside the square.  There is a second line tracing most of the left half of that box, which I describe simply to be thorough.  BTW, the other icon to the right is a plus sign with three horizontal lines and clicking it allows you to save all the track of that album to a playlist.

The process requires one click, there is no circular icon and the heart appears as an outline.  The album is now saved to the folder called albums.

BTW, when I click the heart icon it goes to solid, no longer an outline.  I’m not sure what that means.

Hope this helps.  I suggest contacting innuos support.  I have done so a few times and they are usually good.