Innuos Zenith Mk3 vs Zen Mk3 + Phoenix

In a perfect world I would have the funds for a Zenith M3 and Phoenix, but I don’t. 

I’ve read somewhere that the Innuos Zen 3 with Phoenix sounds better than the Zenith by itself. Has anyone here heard this comparison particularly on the same system and can describe your observations?

By going with Zen + Phoenix it’s about 25% more than a solo Zenith, so from a value proposition is the combo appreciably better, and the extra money spent worth it? Or is it wiser to buy the Zenith, If the different is small then perhaps add a Phoenix later if budget permits?

Showing 1 response by in_shore

Ianderson I did not compare the Zen 3 to the Zenith 3 though I did wrestle thinking over the price difference between the two ,.., Is there a appreciable difference in performance between the stand alone Zenith over the Zen 3 ? for that extra $1,500.00 ? that 1500 bucks would go along way purchasing the Phoenix.
However I would imagine pairing the Phoenix with the Zen the Zenith is left in the dust .
The Phoenix is the game changer .

It hurt my brain making that purchase decision on the spot and I ultimately went with the Zenith 3 and Phoenix, I’m very happy with digital playback now .