Innuos Zen next-gen vs. Pulsar for streaming...?

Hi all,

The question is, has anyone had a chance to listen to both of these units and evaluate them on their streaming performance.  I've heard the Innuos Pulsar but haven't had the chance to hear the Zen next-gen streaming Qobuz or Tidal.  The Zen has additional capabilities (so it's not apples to apples) but I'm wondering if the big jump in price of the Zen next-gen improves the streaming performance over the Pulsar?

For the sake of the discussion only comments and opinions on these two units would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Rick 


Showing 3 responses by chilehed

Really like Innuos but their sales and marketing leaves much to be desired. With the advent of Pulse and NG products it would be helpful to know how they stack up to one another comparing streaming and server SQ. The descriptions provided on their site have some detail but I have no idea how these features translate to SQ? I mean C'mon Innuos, help a brother out! Can we get a simple chart that shows features and SQ between models? After reading the info on Sense 3, I have no idea what the tangible benefits are to the user.

Thanks @johnboston, fills in a lot of blanks to the direction they are going. And yes, a home demo for something like this would be a must as I am one of the unfortunates @pinwa mentioned; my auditory memory stinkssad

Interesting @johnboston, so did your Zenith NG come with a drive to rip CDs or are you using it purely as a streamer? I see that you can buy it configured as a server or streamer? Can you give some insights to Sense 3? Are there differentiating user features or behavior or are the changes under the covers? Did you demo this at a dealer or did you buy it on blind faith? Thanks!